We can now write a little times table programme. We'll use the
text boxes to ask users to input a start number and end number. We'll use these
to display the 10 times table. So if the user types a 1 into the first text
box and a 5 into the second text box, we'll display this:
1 times 10 = 10
2 times 10 = 20
3 times 10 = 30
4 times 10 = 40
5 times 10 = 50
Instead of using a message box to display the results, we'll use a List Box.
A list box, you will not be surprised to hear, is used to display lists of items.
But it's easier to show you what they do rather than explain. So use the Toolbox
on the left of Visual C# to add a list box to your form:2 times 10 = 20
3 times 10 = 30
4 times 10 = 40
5 times 10 = 50
for (int i = loopStart; i <= loopEnd; i++)
answer = answer + i;
listBox1.Items.Add( answer.ToString() );
So you start by typing the Name of your list box (listBox1, for us).
After a dot, you should see the IntelliSense list appear. Select Items
from the list. Items is another property of list boxes. It refers to
the items in your list. After the word Items, you type another dot. From the
IntelliSense list, select the Add method. As its name suggests, the Add
method adds items to your list box. Between the round brackets, you type what
you want to add to the list of items. In our case, this was just the answer,
converted to a string.You can delete the message box line, if you like, because you don't need it. But run your programme and enter 1 in the first text box and 5 in the second text box. Click your button and your form should look like this:
for (int i = loopStart; i < loopEnd; i++)
The problem is the second part of the loop code:
i < loopEnd
We're telling C# to go round and round while the value in i is less
than the value in loopEnd. C# will stop looping when the values are equal.
The value in loopEnd is 5 in our little programme. So we're saying this to C#,
"Keep looping while the value in i is less than 5. Stop looping if it's
5 or more."Cleary, we've used the wrong Conditional Operator. Instead of using the less than operator, we need … well, which one do we need? Replace the < symbol with the correct one.
Exercise G
For some extra points, can you think of another way to solve the problem? One where you can keep the less than symbol?
To add some more information in your list box, change your line of code to this:
listBox1.Items.Add( "answer = " + answer.ToString(
) );
The thing to add is the text in red above. We've typed some direct text "answer="
and followed this with the concatenation symbol ( + ). C# will then join
the two together, and display the result in your list box. Run your programme
again, and the list box will be this:
listBox1.Items.Add( "i = " + i + " answer
= " + answer.ToString( ) );
Again, the text to add is in blue. Run your programme, and your list box will
look like this:The Times Table Programme
We now have all the ingredients to write the Times Table programme.So return to your coding window. What we're going to do, remember, is to use a for loop to calculate and display the 10 times table. We need another variable, though, to hold the 10. So add this to your variables:
int multiplyBy = 10;
The only other thing we need to do is to change the code between the curly
brackets of the for loop. At the moment, we have this:
answer = answer + i;
listBox1.Items.Add( "i = " + i + " answer = " + answer.ToString() );
Delete these two lines and replace them with these two:listBox1.Items.Add( "i = " + i + " answer = " + answer.ToString() );
answer = multiplyBy * i;
listBox1.Items.Add(i + " times " + multiplyBy
+ " = " + answer.ToString());
The list box line is a bit messy, but examine the part between the round brackets:
i + " times " + multiplyBy + " = " +
It's just a combination of variable names and direct text. The first line of
the code, though, is a simple multiplication. We multiply whatever is inside
of the variable called multiplyBy (which is 10) by whatever is inside of the
variable called i. C# is adding 1 to the value of i each time round the loop,
so the answer gets updated and then displayed in the list box.Run your programme. Enter 1 in the first text box and 10 in the second text box. Click you button to see the ten times table:
Exercise H
At the moment, we're multiplying by 10 and, therefore, displaying the 10 times table. Add another text box to your form. Add a label that asks users which times table they want. Use this value in your code to display the times table for them. So if your user types a 7 into your new text box, clicking the button would display the 7 times table in the list box. Here's what your programme should look like when you're finished (we've change the first two labels, as well):
So instead of using the Add() method, you use the Clear() method. This will
clear out all the items in a list box. But can you see why the line of code
would be no good inside of the loop? Or after the loop?
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